
Note: This website is out of date. Current information here.


  1. Perturbative and nonperturbative aspects of complex Chern–Simons theory in Localization techniques in quantum field theories, V. Pestun and M. Zabzine, ed., J. Phys. A 50 (2017) 44, 443009, arXiv:1608.02961
  2. 3d Superconformal Theories from Three-Manifolds in New Dualities of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, J. Teschner, ed., Mathematical Physics Studies, Springer (2015), arXiv:1412.7129
  3. Refined BPS invariants, Chern-Simons theory, and the quantum dilogarithm, Ph.D. Thesis, Caltech, 2010


  1. Why do Earth’s equatorial waves head east?, w/ J. Biello, Science 358 (2017) 6366, 90-991

Conference proceedings:

  1. Duality Domain Walls in Class S[A_1], in String-Math 2013, R. Donagi, M.R. Douglas, L. Kamenova, M. Rocek, ed., Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 88 (2014)
  2. Quantum Field Theory and the Volume Conjecture, w/ S. Gukov, in Chern-Simons Gauge Theory: 20 Years After, J. Andersen, ed., AMS/IP studies in advanced mathematics, Contemp. Math. 541 (2011) 41-67, arXiv:1003.4808
  3. Noncompact quantum knot invariants, in Cargese (EFS) Summer School on Theory and Particle Physics: The LHC Perspective and Beyond, L. Baulieu, J. de Boer, M.R. Douglas, E. Rabinovici, P. Windey, ed.,  Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 192-193 (2009) 136-137


  1. A QFT for non-semisimple TQFT, w/ T. Creutzig, N. Garner, N. Geer, arXiv:2112.01559 (2021)
  2. The ADO Invariants are a q-Holonomic Family, w/ J. Brown, S. Garoufalidis, N. Geer, arXiv:2005.08176 (2020)
  3. Boundary Chiral Algebras and Holomorphic Twists, w. K. Costello, D. Gaiotto, arXiv:2005.00083 (2020)
  4. Mirror symmetry and line operators, w/ N. Garner, M. Geracie, J. Hilburn, JHEP 02 (2020) 075, arXiv:1908.00013
  5. (0,2) Dualities and the 4-Simplex, w/ N. Paquette, JHEP 08 (2019) 132, arXiv:1905.05173
  6. Secondary products in supersymmetric field theories, w/ C. Beem, D. Ben-Zvi, M. Bullimore, A. Neitzke, Ann. H. Poincare 21 (2020) 4, 1235-1310, arXiv:1809.00009
  7. Coulomb Branches of Star-Shaped Quivers, w/ N. Garner, JHEP 02 (2019) 004, arXiv:1808.05226
  8. Dual boundary conditions in 3d SCFT’s, w. D. Gaiotto, N. Paquette, JHEP 05 (2018) 060, arXiv:1712.07654
  9. Vortices and Vermas, w/ M. Bullimore, J. Hilburn, D. Gaiotto, H.C. Kim, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 22 (2018) 803-917, arXiv:1609.04406
  10. Boundaries, Mirror Symmetry, and Symplectic Duality in 3d N=4 Gauge Theory, w/ M. Bullimore, D. Gaiotto, J. Hilburn, JHEP 10 (2016) 108, arXiv:1603.08382
  11. Quantum modularity and complex Chern–Simons theory, w/ S. Garoufalidis, Commun. Num. Theor. Phys. 12 (2018) 1-52, arXiv:1511.05628
  12. The Coulomb Branch of 3d N=4 Theories, w/ M. Bullimore, D. Gaiotto, Commun. Math. Phys. 354 (2017) 2, 671-751, arXiv:1503.04817
  13. Complex Chern–Simons Theory at Level k via the 3d–3d Correspondence, Commun. Math. Phys. 339 (2015) 2, 619-662, arXiv:1409.0857
  14. 3d-3d Correspondence Revisited, w/ H.J. Chung, S. Gukov, P. Sulkowski, JHEP 04 (2016) 140, arXiv:1405.3663
  15. A Spectral Perspective on Neumann-Zagier, w/ R. van der Veen, arXiv:1403.5215
  16. RG Domain Walls and Hybrid Triangulations, w/ D. Gaiotto, R. van der Veen, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 19 (2015) 137-276, arXiv:1304.6721
  17. K-Decompositions and 3d Gauge Theories, w/ M. Gabella and A.B. Goncharov, JHEP 11 (2016) 151, arXiv:1301.0192
  18. Holomorphic Blocks in Three Dimensions, w/ C. Beem, S. Pasquetti, JHEP 12 (2014) 177, arXiv:1211.1986
  19. An E7 Surprise, w/ D. Gaiotto, JHEP 10 (2012) 129, arXiv:1209.1404
  20. The Quantum content of the gluing equations, w/ S. Garoufalidis, Geom. Topol. 17 (2013) 1253-1316, arXiv:1202.6268
  21. 3-Manifolds and 3d Indices, w/ D. Gaiotto, S. Gukov, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 17 (2013) 5, 975-1076, arXiv:1112.5179
  22. Gauge Theories Labelled by Three-Manifolds, w/ D. Gaiotto, S. Gukov, Commun. Math. Phys. 325 (2014) 367-419, arXiv:1108.4389
  23. Chern-Simons Theory and S-duality, w/ S. Gukov, JHEP 05 (2013) 109, arXiv:1106.4550
  24. Quantum Riemann Surfaces in Chern-Simons Theory, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 17 (2013) 3, 479-599, arXiv:1102.4847
  25. Vortex Counting and Lagrangian 3-manifolds, w/ S. Gukov, L. Hollands, Lett. Math. Phys. 98 (2011) 225-287, arXiv:1006.0977
  26. Quantum Wall Crossing in N=2 Gauge Theories, w/ S. Gukov, Y. Soibelman, Lett. Math. Phys. 95 (2011) 1-25, arXiv:0912.1346
  27. Refined, Motivic, and Quantum, w/ S. Gukov, Lett. Math. Phys. 91 (2010) 1, 1-27, arXiv:0904.1420
  28. Exact Results for Perturbative Chern-Simons Theory with Complex Gauge Group, w/ S. Gukov, J. Lenells, D. Zagier, Commun. Num. Theor. Phys. 3 (2009) 363-443, arXiv:0903.2472
  29. Type IIB Flux Vacua at Large Complex Structure, JHEP 09 (2008) 064, arXiv:0806.0001
  30. R. M. Fryer, J. Randall, T. Yoshida, L. L. Hsiao, J. E. Blumenstock, K. E. Jensen, T. Dimofte, R. V. Jensen, S. R. Gullans, Global Analysis of Gene Expression: Methods, Interpretation, and Pitfalls, Exp. Nephrology 10 (2002) 2, 64-74